Year five went on a residential, they learnt about wildlife and teamwork. We went on an amazing journey to south coast. During the seventh to the ninth we slept in dorms. We were put houses, Kestrel, Owl, Badger and Fox. If we won the most points then your mascot would be released, this year Badger won over all. Your dorms are a group of six, the boys and girls were separated from each other. We ate in the snuffle hole in our houses, the Badgers are green, the Kestrel are yellow, Owls are blue and Fox are red. The staff filled us up loads ready for the day ahead, which is full of fun. We did stuff from earthquake to treasure finding and more, everyone had fun, there were also loads of laughing done. During our free time we played on the adventure playground and sometimes you could also do football or tennis. And at lunchtime during free time at lunch you could go to the tuck shop and get souvenirs, gifts and sweets. We were all sad on our last day as we had so much fun! As we went off the staff waved good bye and we went back to Mayhill.
By Annabel