Year four had a visitor in today from ‘Fun Science’ a local company based in Alton who came to teach us all about lots of different teeth related things: different types of teeth and their roles in the digestive system; the benefits of brushing well; what acid does to your teeth; and how to make our own toothpaste.
We learnt what ingredients go in toothpaste and why it is important to have something “abrasive” to clean them carefully. For this we had some salt, it didn’t taste very good until we put some peppermint in as well.
We saw what acid does to our teeth when we observed the shell of an egg had dissolved from it. We used our toothpaste to clean eggs that had been sitting in coke (acid) all night. Some of us made them sparkle but it took a lot of hard work.
We learnt that all our teeth have different jobs in our mouth and because we are omnivores we need all different types of teeth. We have four types of teeth called incisors, molars, canines and wisdom teeth.