
Homework set will have a holistic approach, building on previous learning but will also give children the opportunity to take their learning forward and encourage them to try new challenges.  Through this approach and with their family’s support, we aim for the children to enjoy their home learning.   We hope that homework will be something that all children are proud of and their achievements will be celebrated in school.

Homework at Mayhill consists of a number of different elements:

Homework The homework will be sent home half termly as an A3 sheet (an electronic version will be emailed to all parents/carers too).  It will look like the image to the right.  In each circle there will be a task for your child to complete – a range of activities will be offered, some of which will have weblinks attached and in some cases guidance for yourselves so you can see how best to support your child.  Please discuss the homework with your child and encourage them to attempt all aspects and maybe try something new.  Children will have the half term (6 weeks) to complete the home work and can bring in tasks as they complete them. Verbal feedback will be given to the children and where possible, learning outcomes will be displayed and celebrated in school to show how valued their efforts are.  Children will receive a certificate at the end of the half term for their completing the homework.

  • Reading. As reading is such a fundamental skill to practice, your child will have a reading record and should be recording when they read throughout the week. This will be checked weekly. Children are encouraged to read at home daily, including reading aloud to an adult alongside independent silent reading.
  • Times Tables. Each child has a login to Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS) to be able to practice their times tables. They can gain points, customise their avatar and even challenge each other. There will be competitions run throughout the year for the children to compete as a class against the rest of the school!
  • Spellings. Children will have an hour’s spelling lesson across the course of the week, focusing on a specific spelling rule. This will build upon their phonic knowledge and will explore the etymology of the words. They will write their spellings in their spelling book and bring them home but there is no formal test of these words.