As you may be aware, the school receives a small sum of money each year for each child whose parents are in the armed forces, currently this is £335 per child. This premium is there to ensure the school is able to support the social and emotional welfare of children and families who may be affected by deployment or making a transition from school to school mid-year. (Sadly, it is not provided to schools to subsidise school trips, clubs etc and cannot be individually allocated on a per-child basis.)
Here is a useful guide for school and families on the Service Premium.
More than anything, we want to ensure we are meeting the needs of our children and families. We would welcome all suggestions for the kind of activities, projects or gatherings that maybe you have seen work well elsewhere, or that you know would really benefit you and your child. There is lots more we can do, but we want to get it right!
Further comparisons can be made if you visit our financial information page.