Between the 11th and 13th September, Year 6 went on a residential at Runway’s End outdoor center in Farnborough. We were there for two nights but we fit loads of activities into a few days. The activities were rock climbing, caving, orienteering, team activities, canoeing, low ropes, air rifle shooting and fire lighting. On the first evening, we watched Despicable Me 4 in our sleeping bags and on the second evening we did a general knowledge quiz, before roasting marshmallows around a fire in the rain.
Climbing up a 17m rock wall was a highlight for many, but we had to put a lot of trust into our teammates, who were pulling our rope at the bottom. In air rifle shooting, we had a competition to see who could hit the most targets. When we did caving, we had to crawl through tiny spaces which was fun for some but not for everyone! In orienteering, we practiced map reading to find letters and rearrange them to make a phrase. The team activities were tricky but we used all of our collaboration skills to complete them. Canoeing on the canal was fun but tricky. In low ropes, we were completing the course but we also given tennis balls which meant we couldn’t talk, and Mr. Bounce who meant we couldn’t move. In fire lighting, we practiced lighting fires using flint and steel.
The food was brilliant, we had a super time in our dorms and we loved every single part of it. We would love to go back!